Sunday, January 19, 2014

D&R Canal Towpath from Princeton to Griggstown

19 January 2014

Winter Larry's ride was canceled by being three degrees below 32 at 9:00 a.m. After a flurry of emails between me and Ron, me and Ed, and me and Tom, we joined Tom for a ride he'd planned along the towpath starting from Washington Road.  Joe was there, and Mighty Mike too.

Judging from the line of ice that formed on my leg from where the valve on my Camelbak was leaking, we were riding below freezing for at least half of our trip.

On our way back from Griggstown, Tom took us on the eastern side of the canal north of Kingston.  The path there is thin and muddy.  We got ourselves a little dirty, which is necessary because we were on mountain bikes.

We were a mile or so from the end when I realized that I'd lost my rubber chicken.  I'm not mountain biking anymore, so the warning is no longer necessary anyway. Still, though, that chicken was part of the history and essence of my short mountain biking career.  Oh well.  Someone will find it out there.

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