Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas in a London Hotel

25 December 2015

When we got back from dinner last night, this was waiting on the desk:

I set out the chocolates and cookies that Mazz had given us, propped a gingerbread impulse buy behind one of my presents for Jack, turned on the tree lights, and snapped a few pictures.

In the morning, after a slow and expensive breakfast in the hotel (nothing else is open), Jack unwrapped his presents. I bought him flat, packable things, including a fabulous moose ornament that I hope he keeps out all year:

There was a break in the rain, so we set out towards the Thames. Our path took us through Green Park, where we met some freaky-ass duck-things:

I'd been prepared to see nobody on the streets. I was surprised at the amount of traffic and the number of people on the sidewalks. We're staying close to three parks and a palace. There wasn't a moment we weren't surrounded by other tourists with nothing else to do but take a long walk before the rain started again. You won't see very many people in my pictures, though, because I tend to shoot over their heads or wait for a break in the crowds.

Gates at Buckingham Palace:

I was, like, the zillionth person that hour to take a picture of this poor guard.

Looking towards the London Eye Ferris wheel:

The Raritan River at Saint James Park:

I know nothing about English botany. Are we supposed to see bulbs about to open up in December?

It just looks wrong.

Pigeons posing:

Duly noted:


At first I thought the grey heron on the roof of Duck Island Cottage was a statue. That's the second time in three days that I've been fooled by a perched bird.

Another grey heron by the lake, unscrunched...

...and scrunched:

Here are some groovy brown guys (bar-tailed godwits; that took some searching):

The houses of Parliament:

Should this be happening?

A flock of construction cranes:

A slight drizzle began. We turned back towards the hotel.

We ate lunch in the hotel room, from food we'd bought at a small grocery store last night. It was probably the most healthy thing I've eaten since I got here. Until I ate the head and an arm off the gingerbread man.

We dimmed the lights and watched The Muppet Christmas Carol. Rain beat against the window.

After the movie was over, I logged onto eBay and Amazon to find a Rowlf for the new frame's saddle bag. Jack took a nap. Now it's nearly time for the Doctor Who Christmas Special, after which we have reservations at a Lebanese restaurant around the corner. Jack is chiding me for spending all my free time blogging instead of making jewelry. He's got a point. I'm going to set this laptop aside and start work on a necklace that came to me in a vision as I was falling asleep last week. Gotta make some sales to pay for that frame...

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