Sunday, June 7, 2020

Lockdown Chronicles: Thoughts on a Group Ride

7 June 2020

I didn't take any pictures today. I was too busy trying to keep a safe distance from the riders I didn't know.

Official Free Wheeler rides resumed this week. There is a page of new rules, including keeping ten feet away from other cyclists, wearing a mask during sign-in and rest stops, and forbidding snot-rockets.

The ride was limited to ten registrants. At least four were not wearing masks while the leader was reciting the new rules. I singled out the two who were facing me. They didn't care; they were, apparently, above it all.

For the most part, people kept their distance on the road. We were, however, closer to each other than I've been accustomed to over the past three months. I made sure to ride well away from people I didn't know or who had been too arrogant to cover their faces.

One of these people, during a brief stop at a park in Montgomery, blithely told me and another masked rider that he, no mask, had been symptomatic some ten days ago. This was eight miles from the end of the ride. I was, fortunately, standing more than six feet away and had my face covered.

Adding to that, someone who owns exactly zero Italian steel bikes attempted to lecture me about the feel of Italian steel bikes. I own four steel bikes. Two are Italian. Fuck right off.

That's it. I'm not trying to get anyone I know sick, and I didn't miss the mansplaining one bit during lockdown. If I lead club rides at all, it's going to be as close to invitation-only as I can get away with.

1 comment:

Luigi Rider said...

Thanks for your blog. Even though I am not in a position to ride, I bike vicariously through your blog.