Monday, November 17, 2008

The First of the Fall Headwinds

16 November

This was me, Chris, Wall-E, Eva, Cheryl, the Mikes, and Arty yesterday:

(The first person who can name where this picture comes from gets a free muffin on my next ride.)


Dale Katherine Ireland said...

I think it came from an advertisement about music--recording music that was good as "being there" or something like that. I know it was a company that sold tapes for recording--not Sony--Maxwell tapes? I remember writing a musical with a friend while I was in college and that advertisement ended up with our lyrics. Oh, my brain needs coffee!

Our Lady of Perpetual Headwinds said...

Oooooo, so close! If nobody gets it, I'm going to have to mail a muffin to California.

Dale Katherine Ireland said...

Yikes, make that Maxell. (Sean is in tears as he laughs at my memory.)

John Smolenyak said...

I came from Maxell cassette tapes

Our Lady of Perpetual Headwinds said...

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Dale gets a muffin!

(Sorry, Smolenyak, she beat you to it.)

Dale Katherine Ireland said...

John can have my muffin; I hope he will let me know how good it was.