31 December
There's something new in Mercer County Park this winter: some young punks built themselves an obstacle course. When we first came up on it I thought it was a canine agility course set in the middle of the woods.
Chris and I rode on past it. "Wow," I said. "Something even you won't try." So, of course, he led us right back to it. Naturally, chicken that I am, I took the opportunity to get some pictures.
Chris contemplating an ascent:

Chris goes for it:

"This is as far as I'm going," he says.

The teeter-totter is weighted at one end:

Chris makes it over on his second try, but I miss the shot and make him do it again:

This frightening piece of art isn't finished yet:

I'm a long way from trying even the teeter-totter. My big achievement today was going fast enough to keep up with Chris on the path back to the parking lot. Until my rear wheel started to spin out, that is, and I slowed back down to my usual, Rubber Chicken, pace.
So, that's it for 2008.
Our New Year's Eve party starts in 3.5 hours and we're nowhere near ready. See y'all on the road in '09!
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