Sunday, September 27, 2009

Palazzo Vecchio

27 September

I was going to wait until I got back home to post pictures of the entire trip, but this one is too weird to hold in for that long.

Jack and I are in Florence. We wandered into the Palazzo Vecchio, a former palace turned government building turned museum. The main hall is ringed with sculptures of Greek gods and the like. The one at the end truly perplexed me.

Hercules is apparently wrestling with a king (I've forgotten which one). He has the king turned upside-down, slung over his back, legs in the air. The king's crown is still on. His eyes are closed and his tongue is sticking out. The king's one free hand is encircled firmly around Hercules' man meat.

The label offers no explanation.

UPDATE: Mike Moorman, in the comments section, found an explanation on the web. Scroll to the bottom for the story. Thanks, Mike!


Phyllis said...

Enjoying your updates. Love the t-shirt report. Miss you, natch, but you are in are a wonderful country! Enjoy.

Splurge and eat lots of pasta and pastries. Life is short.

Phyllis and Sparkle

Cheryl said...

where are the pics?? they are not showing up in my view of the blog.
Now you have me curious!


Mike said...

Not sure what's up with the "man-member" thing, but this post will give a little more explanation: