Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Heavy Snow, Part One

10 February

The first half of the second snowstorm in a week has left us under gobs of very wet snow.

I took a couple of pictures last night looking out onto the street from indoors. The camera is reasonably good at getting fuzzy pictures in nearly complete darkness.

During a lull in the storm today, after shoveling the driveway (the snow is so heavy it's got a bluish tint), I took some pictures of our back yard.

Each heavy snowfall bends the bamboo to the ground but it always bounces back.

Bent babmboo makes a good canopy.

Our poor little pitch pine was doubled over. I shook the snow off. It's now standing as straight as a pitch pine ever stands, which isn't very straight. I guess I'm going to be on pitch-pine-shaking duty for the rest of the day.

The blue spruce handles snow much better.

I was kinda having fun standing under the bamboo while sleet pelted down.

Sleet on the driveway:

I'm looking forward to the second half of this storm.

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