5 July 2010
Jack and I spent the 4th of July weekend in the Adirondacks. Don and Mary Anne invited thirteen Freewheelers to share three six-person condos on top of a hill outside of the village of North Creek.
We hung out, ate, biked, ate, hiked, ate, did other stuff, hung out, and ate. It was chaos. It was like living in a dorm, but with better furniture, better food, no homework, and saner people.
I'm not going to have much time over the next week or so to blog, so instead of going into the details I'm just going to show you the pictures.
Minutes into our bike ride on Friday we screeched to a halt to gawk at a house on Bird Pond Road. We knew we'd have to get Bob out here to do a plein air painting.

I think this barn was on Igerna Road:

Schroon Lake:

At the Adirondack General Store in Adirondack, NY, near Schroon Lake, Marilyn and I pose in one of several apparent fireplaces for sale outside of the store:

Sacked out on the sofa after the ride, I took pictures of the windows of our condo (Unit 10):

On Saturday, Don took us for a short hike up to the top of Balm of Gilead, which overlooks Thirteenth Lake. From left to right (Marilyn took the picture): Nancy, Lenore, Don, Metta, Poppa Jack, Hari, Norene, me with my sweaty hair down, Jack the Moose, and Terry.

Views from Balm of Gilead:

From left to right: Norene, Marilyn, Jack, Metta, Nancy, Lenore, Jack, Terry.

Video of the view:
On the way back down:

After the hike I drove back to the Flower House for more pictures. Minutes after I left, Marilyn, Norene, Lenore and Bob drove over to take pictures. They met the owners and Bob got permission to paint the place. We all want the painting.

After stuffing our faces at the second night of potluck, a few of us took a walk down the hill. This is twilight at Gore Village:

Jack and I went to the Adirondack Museum on Sunday. We were in moose heaven. I've never seen a live moose. This stuffed head reminded me of just how big these critters are.

Here are some views of Blue Mountain Lake from the grounds of the museum:

The exhibit of "rustic furniture" included a grotesque deer hoof-adorned mirror:

Back in the gift shop (which is both the museum's entrance and exit), we pondered the purchase of a rather large stuffed moose, hat not included. Not having a strong cell phone signal, I was unable to ask Dale for advice.

We decided to take it home. Here, Adirondack the Moose poses in front of the museum, and with Jack:

(The black line is a quick editing out of my thumb.)

Adirondack the Moose was a big hit with the condo crowd. Terry M came in and immediately started petting his muzzle. Terry S came in and lent him his hat. Lenore tried on the vest (it was too big) and felt safe sleeping on the couch with Adirondack the Moose to guard her. Bob took a picture of him lying sideways in the car, across my bike, his face peering out of the back window (if he sends it I'll post it).
Back in New Jersey, Adirondack the Moose is at home in the Moose Room:

That's all for now.
Great pictures of a great trip; except for the creepy "hoof mirror."
Looks like you had a fun time. I loved that farm house with the flowers. Hopefully Bob will include me when he gives out copies of his painting!
Nice photos. Very cool how you included the video too! Hopefully Bob will remember me when he gives out the painting of the barn!
That picture reminded me of the house with the flowers around it in Oldwick.
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