Friday, December 31, 2010

2010: The Year By Numbers

31 December 2010

I stole this idea from Jack, and we're both stealing it from Harper's Index.


Minimum number of cups of coffee consumed in 2010: 208

Estimated number of miles traveled in 2010 by bike to buy coffee beans: 250

Approximate number of salads consumed in 2010: 261

Estimated pounds of tomatoes brought home from Cherry Grove Organic Farm: 50

Rank of dried strawberries, coffee beans, candy, and black-and-white cookies, among favorite foods to bring home from New York City: 1, 2, 3, 4


Months spent as a laboratory technician at Penn since 1996: 168

Months worked in the last lab at Penn: 17.75

Most months spent in one lab at Penn: 69

Number of laboratories worked in at Penn since 1996: 6

Months into 2010 before the nightmares about work started: 3

Months into 2010 before the decision to leave became final: 5

Months spent passively looking for a new job: 3

Hours spent actively looking for a new job: 0.5

Job interviews in 2010: 1

Days between the interview and the official offer: 17

Seconds between the official offer and the acceptance, via email: 30

Minutes between officially accepting the new job and officially resigning from the old one: 5

Weeks given as notice: 3

Days that my supervisor had been expecting my resignation: 0

Working days between my resignation and my replacement's interview: 2

Days I spent training my replacement: 5

Time spent missing having to spend three hours per day traveling in order to cut mouse tails and get yelled at: 0

Seconds saved each day by not commuting to Philadelphia: 7200

Approximate amount saved, per year, by not working in Philadelphia: $5,000

Ratio of my new salary to my old one: 0.987:1

Days into the new job that I decided it was tied for first in being the best lab I'd ever worked in: 6

Weeks since that decision: 10

Number of times I've doubted that decision: 0

Number of times I've doubted my scientific ability: 77

Number of times I've told myself to get over it: 77


Rank, of bad things that happened in 2010, of losing Joe McBride: 1

Minimum amount raised by Princeton Free Wheelers and friends in his memory: $1700


Number of athletic injuries in 2010: 2

Ratio of back x-rays to MRIs: 1:1

Number of days in physical therapy in 2010: 18

Ratio of time spent, per day, commuting to Penn to time spent on physical therapy: 2:1

Number of days after my first physical therapy visit before I could straighten my left leg while lying on my back in the morning: 17

Number of days before I could straighten my leg in the evening: 1

Number of weeks off the bike when the injury was at its worst: 1

Number of days that I was forbidden by my doctor to ride my road bike: 0

Amount of time I am permitted by my doctor to carry 20 liters of water 40 feet; touch my toes from a standing position; or do sit-ups: 0; 0; and 0

Number of times since October that I have carried 20 liters of water 40 feet: 2


Ratio of Cleio years to Burnaby years: 3.45:1

Ratio of Cleio ears to Burnaby ears: 1:1

Number of cats at Cherry Grove Farm: 2

Ratio of cats owned by Rebecca and Kevin to cats owned by me and Jack: 2:1

Ratio of cats owned by me and Jack to cats owned by Dale and Sean: 2:1

Ratio of Cleio's daily medications to daily dental treats: 1:2

Ratio of Cleio's age to the age of Jack's youngest students: 1.13

New cats in Phyllis' house: 1

New dogs in Cheryl's house: 2

Minimum number of dogs owned by people I work with: 6


Number of times I used Miss Piggy's granny gear: 2

Number of times I needed to use Miss Piggy's granny gear: 1

Percentage of Miss Piggy's price covered by my unused Penn vacation day pay: 88%

Rank, in order of riding preference, of Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Gonzo: 1, 2, 3

Rank, from heaviest to lightest, of Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Gonzo: 2, 3, 1

Pairs of pedals replaced in 2010: 3

Number of bikes re-outfitted for commuting: 1

Number of new lights on Gonzo for commuting: 4

Number of commutes on Gonzo in 2010: 0

Minimum number of planned weekly bike commutes before darkness and injury set in: 1

Ratio of centuries ridden in 2009 to centuries ridden in 2010: 2:1

Official Free Wheeler rides led in 2010: 13


Days spent in Albuquerque, New Mexico: 4

Days spent glued to Sean, Dale, Kevin, and Rebecca in Albuquerque: 4

Days spent in North Creek, New York: 4

Number of friends I spent those 4 days with: 16

Days spent biking in northern New Jersey in August: 1

Nights spent in the Poconos after biking in northern New Jersey: 1

Days spent in Saint John's, Newfoundland: 4

Days in Newfoundland in which we snagged Kevin and drove along the coast: 1


Number of photos taken in 2010 with my pocket camera: 594

Number of blog posts in 2010: 47


Ratio of cookies baked for tonight's New Year's Eve party at Terry's to number of confirmed guests: 4.57

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