15 January 2011
I like taking pictures after a big snowfall. We get about half a day before the machines come through and turn everything black.
Our first big storm, on December 26, gave us about a foot. It was a Sunday, and I spent the day inside, on my stomach, a pillow under my rib cage and two under my legs, stretching my spine and reading scientific papers.
The next day I was supposed to be in the lab. I dug out the driveway in the morning (to a certain PT FreeWheeler: I know, I know, I shouldn't have done that), but our street wasn't cleared until 1:30 in the afternoon.
So I spent the day at home, working on a data presentation, my first in the new lab, and one that was making me very, very nervous. Those who know what my life was like in the Brain Factory will understand.
By the 28th the snow was sliding off our garage roof. Icicles, dripping in the wind, leaned inwards.
My favorite part of the walk to work is when I pass through Whitman College. From the western side it doesn't look like much, but once I cross the little footbridge into the open quad, it's a different story. I like taking pictures there.
This is a patio at the edge of the quad. It faces east, which makes getting pictures in the morning difficult.
For almost three months I've been walking the same path into work every morning. I guess I'd been looking down a lot, partly because my back injury made walking painful, and partly because I was, even if I didn't know it, still feeling insecure.
That all changed. First, the morning walk stopped hurting as my physical therapy began to kick in. Second, I gave my presentation, didn't get shredded, and finally realized that I fit in.
That's when I started noticing the turrets on campus. They're everywhere.
These are just the ones I see on my walk to the lab. This is the northwest corner of Whitman College:
Last week we got another eight inches of snow. I made it into the lab this time, but not before stopping for some more pictures:
The walk to the lab is pretty.
The view from the lab is not.
My desk, after almost three months, finally looks as if someone works there:
OK, I cheated a little and poked around Princeton's web site for some architectural photos. Here's Guyot from the front. With turrets.

Finally, a little accidental cell phone art: a snapshot of where we had lunch the other day, in the atrium in the Icahn building.
At the end of three months, like the building I work in, I'm just humming along.
1 comment:
I love the pictures Laura, but much more that you are "humming along."
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