Monday, July 18, 2011

Adirondack Weekend Part Three: The Sagamore Hotel

3 July 2011


Rhythmic, it echoes through the valley of the Hudson River.

Barely opening my eyes, I squint at the clock. 6:00 a.m.

Then the rain comes.

Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster. There's no way the roads are going to dry out in time to ride today. I'm still in bed but I know my legs are going to hurt as soon as I stand up. I burrow under the sheets and fall asleep.

It's still raining off and on by the time the five of us have found our way to the kitchen. Gordon peeks into my stove-top espresso maker. I've been messing with it all weekend, trying to get it to work on the electric stove. I didn't tighten it enough yesterday. Gordon got it to work after I left for the hike. Now the pressure is on me to get it right. It's the kind of thing I get paid for back home, fer chrissakes. "Looks like it's working," he says.

I'm cutting up all the fruit I can find for tonight's potluck. We're going to Boston after this. I can't take anything perishable with me. The serving bowl is heaped over the top. Terry picks out the raspberries for his breakfast.

The other Terry is peering curiously at her iPhone. "My brother says there's a whale in Asbury Park." Terry takes his bowl to the table and pulls out his iPad. The two of them search the news.

"It's a fake picture," she says, "but they did see a whale."

"You should tell him you knew about it already," I suggest. "Tell him you've been swimming with it all week." She's been training for open water triathalons all summer at the shore.

Now fully caffeinated, we're lounging around, not really planning anything in particular, when Cheryl comes in.

"We're going to Lake George to see the Sagamore Hotel. You guys wanna come?"

So the Tech House piles into Gordon and Terry's car and follows Nancy's van, full of ADD House residents, south to Lake George.

The guests look all wrong for this hotel.   We should all be dressed as the characters in Fry & Laurie's Jeeves & Wooster. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, go get it on Netflix.  Now.)  It's a grand place, for sure.  

We wander around outside.  Gordon and I take pictures.  I'm not really feeling it, though.  It's too tourist-trappy here.

That's one of our Terrys coming down the stairs.

Someone decides we should eat lunch here, outside, by the water.  We're paying for the view.  On the lake a motorboat keeps a pair of parasailers afloat under a yellow chute decorated to resemble the Wal-Mart smile a bit too much.  Despite predicted thunderstorms, the boat is out there for the duration of our lunch.

The conversation has turned to where to go for our regular Saturday dinners now that we're getting a little tired of the same spots.  The Italian restaurant in Lawrenceville has been panned, Terry says.

"Why?"  I ask.

He rolls his eyes.  "The crosses on the walls."

Which gets me singing,

Keep your Jesus off my penis
Keep your bible off my balls
Keep your prayers out of my ears
And your crosses off my walls
You can keep the virgin mother
And the resurrection too
Keep your Jesus off my penis
I'll keep my penis off of you

"Eric Schwartz!" Denise says. "I've seen him! I have his CD." So we trade stories about him for a while. But I have to get back to the rest of the song:

Well I'm frickin' sick and tired
Of turning on the news
And seeing the religious right's
Ungodly fight to take our right to choose
When to bear our children
Who to love and how
Education and protection
If we're just practicing for now
So dubya look obey a book
If that's what works for you
But I don't tell you how to pray
So don't tell me how to screw

Keep your Jesus off my penis
Keep your bible off my balls
Keep your prayers out of my ears
And your crosses off my walls
You can keep the virgin mother
And the resurrection too
Keep your Jesus off my penis
I'll keep my penis off of you

So you're screaming bloody murder
'Bout the taliban regime
For subjugating women
And being too extreme
And basing legislation
On some ancient holy book
Does that sound a bit familiar?
Here's a mirror, have a look

And as for the ten commandments
They need one more at least
Thou shall never cover up
The acts of pervert priests
How'd they let that happen
Unless they just abhor us
Well anyway it adds
Another layer to the chorus

Keep your Jesus off my penis
Keep your bible off my balls
Keep your prayers out of my ears
And your crosses off my walls
You can keep the virgin mother
And the resurrection too
Keep your Jesus off my penis
I'll keep my penis off of you

So you'll execute a person
And protect a single cell
But mercy-kill the terminally ill
And you're goin' straight to hell
I don't know much about
The word of God
Far be it from me
But I can tell you what it ain't -

I am not anti-Christian
Before you grab a rope
There is beauty in religion
And joy and love and hope
We're all looking for an answer
Some colossal cosmic cause
But who the fuck are you
To turn your views into my laws?
It's just believers in the bible
That would have abortion banned
Anti-choice agnostics?
I could count'em on one hand
And as for killing babies
I have but one retort
If someone raped your daughter George
You'd beg her to abort

And if some young girl from your church
Shows up with child or some infection
`Cuz you taught her what a horrid sin
It was to use protection
One day you'll face the pearly gates
And whatchu gonna say
When that long-haired Jewish peacenick
Sends your ass the other way sayin'

Keep your Jesus off my penis
Keep your bible off my balls
Keep your prayers out of my ears
And your crosses off my walls
I've had it up to here
With all the biblibile you spew
Keep your Jesus off my penis
(at least that's what I would do)
Keep your Jesus off my penis
I'll keep my penis off of you
That's if'n you want me to

I try to get artsy with the camera.  Meh.

Inside the hotel it's a mob scene.  We're trying to find Marilyn in the gift shop.  I find her, and a stuffed moose for Jack.

Standing at the entrance in the pouring rain, we Tech House denizens decide to make a run for the car.  A few miles out of town, Nancy pulls around.  "Maybe they forgot Cheryl and Denise," I muse, but I can't get a cell signal.  We continue on our way, only to find, when our signal returns and I get hold of Cheryl, in the van, that we've missed our turn.  So we get a view of the main drag in Lake George, the one away from the water.  Meh.

There's the matter of the old house, though, the one that I think Gordon needs to see.  I made a note of it on our way out so it should be easy to find.  The sky is clearing.  We almost have some sun.  That's when we find the house.  Perfect.

Back home now, Nancy is arranging in rows the cupcakes that Mary Anne has made for tonight's potluck.  Mary Anne looks up.  "No!"  she exclaims.  "It's a 45!  For Bob and Norene's 45th anniversary!"

"Oop!"  Nancy tries in vain to make the numbers again.  She just can't do it.  Mary Anne takes over.  "I have to have things in rows," Nancy says.  "I rearrange shelves in food stores.  It's terrible."

Don and MaryAnne have to leave for New Jersey tonight.  They trust someone else with the cupcakes.

Dinner is at our house.  Before the evening scurry, Jack settles in with his moose.

Jeff and Gordon man the grill. People hang out in the driveway.

Bob and Norene are surprised.  Lots of people take pictures and videos.  I think this one is from Marilyn:

What doesn't get eaten gets packed up. We're loading our cars tonight so we can get on the road by 8:00 tomorrow, after we have one last Tech House breakfast in North Creek.

On to Boston.

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