Saturday, October 29, 2011

Back Yards

29 October 2011

One last post for the day before I declare myself all caught up.  Phyllis and I had an email exchange this morning.  Lamenting the early snow, one thing led to another and she ended up describing her yard.  With her permission, here it is:

Of course, the deer ate most of the flowers and are here now, foraging beneath the snow for all of the fallen apples that have come off of the 60+ year old apple trees that still exist here on my property.

Between my neighbor and I, we allow no hunting on our 14 acres, and the deer lie down beneath the white pines I planted 20 years ago. Lots of wildlife, from foxes to hawks, hang out here. Have yet to see a bear, though!

It is rutting season for the deer, so I enjoy seeing the bucks in the early morning and early evening. I know they are not long for this earth as the hunting season approaches, so enjoy them while I can. Last year I had visits from an eight-pointer and a six-pointer but not any of that age yet this year.

Meanwhile, Dale is enamored with all that is New Jersey, including this freakishly early snowfall.  I asked for a picture of her back yard.

Ours, in the middle of an extreme makeover, looks like this, through the screen porch because I had no shoes on:

OK.  I'm finished blogging.  I'm all caught up.  It's 4:30.  I'm going to exercise now.  Really.

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