Thursday, July 23, 2015

Hill Slugs Ad Hoc, Saturday, 25 July: Pick Your Distance

23 July 2015

With the Princeton Event a week away, it's time to get some flat distance in. Our destination is Belmar.  This is a repeat of the route we did back in May, which is why this post might look familiar.

If you want to ride 100 miles, meet at my house for a 7:30 a.m. start, and let me know that's what you're doing.

If you want to ride approximately 85 miles, we'll pick you up at the East Picnic Area of Mercer County Park around 8:00 a.m. and leave as soon as everyone is signed in.

If something closer to a metric century is your cuppa, meet us at Etra Park for a 8:45 a.m. start.

This is an endurance ride, so make sure your body and bike are prepared. If in doubt, choose the shorter route.

We'll ride at an honest B pace, aiming to roll at 18-19 mph where the terrain allows, but adjusting our moving speed to fit the crowd.

This will be a social ride. Pace-pushers are not welcome.  Unsafe riders will be asked to leave the group.

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