Saturday, June 13, 2020

Lockdown Chronicles: Closer to Normal

Ranger's Station, Brendan Byrne State Forest

13 June 2020

Today's ride, by Tom's invitation, took the full complement of the Insane Bike Posse from Mansfield to Tabernacle. The seven of us still kept our distance from each other, although the distance is now close enough that we can call "car back" and be heard. 

There was traffic. That's how we know things are returning to normal. There were masks. That's how we know what the new normal is.

We used indoor plumbing for the first time since March. We washed our hands afterwards. We carry hand sanitizer now. 

We went inside a general store for the first time since March. We wore our masks while we stood in line. We bought water and snacks. We ate them outside. 

We had a headwind for the last 23 miles. I'm beginning to think there's no way home from Tabernacle except into the wind.

Our first rest stop, for water, was scuttled when the ranger's station at Brendan Byrne State Park was closed. No big deal. None of us needed water anyway; it was a cool, dry day.

I've taken this picture before. I took it again because Kermit has new wheels.

We're still maintaining social distance when we stop. There are six people in this picture.

On Sooy Place Road, around mile 29, I stopped for a few pictures of a swamp.

After we left Tabernacle, I was too focused on maintaining a steady pace to stop for any more scenery. There weren't any cows anyway.

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