Sunday, February 2, 2025

Hot Mess Part Forty-Five: Thirteen More Sundays, Day 0

What day is it?

2 February 2025

I slept in today, enjoying my last lazy Sunday morning before the sping workshop kicks in.

The group text storm started at 8:25.

Murano: "Running late. On my way."

I had a moment of panic. The workshop starts February 9, doesn't it? I keep the schedule page open, watching it every day for enrollment changes. I checked again. Yes. The 9th. Today is February 2. I'm sure of it.

CP texted me separately: "Is today the first session or next Sunday?"

Me: "Next week!"

CP: "Alrighty. Thank you Laura!"

Meanwhile, on the group text:

Sometimes: "I thought it was next week."

CP: "Hey, Murano. It's CP. I'm here now and everything is locked up. Do we start next Sunday?"

Murano: "Supposed to be today I thought. According to the schedule."

CP: "Same here. Still no one here. Waiting to hear from Laura."

Me: "Next week!"

CP: "Next week guys. Confirmed by Laura."


I was scooping the litter boxes ten minutes later when Murano called. "Doesn't class start today? I'm here and the door is locked."

"Next week."

"The 9th."

"Yeah, next week."

"Today's the 9th."

"Today's the 2nd."

Long pause. 

Around 1:00, All The Glass sent an email to me, LT2, and the building manager. Still clearing his basement of glassblowing paraphernalia, he had some tools and protective clothing to donate. "I am planning to stop by Monday night around 9:30pm (end of lab I believe)," he wrote.

"Next week," I wrote back.

Were we all part of some group hallucination?

I decided to get proactive and send a group text to my Monday evening classmates. "Hey, guys! Our session starts next week, not tomorrow." I explained the morning confusion.

Sage: "Oh well. It could have been worse. I was confused, but double-checked with Rose."

Me: "Better than last year, when the room wasn't ready on our first day."

Sage: "Don't jinx it."

Curious about whether or not the dates had changed between November and now, I scrolled back into my records, to the original class announcement. Nope. Nothing had changed. Workshop sessions begin next week.

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