Saturday, March 2, 2019

Obligatory Ice Pictures

This Morning's Weather 

2 March 2019

Remember when we used to roll out of bed and onto our bikes every Saturday morning? Neither do I.

There were three rides listed today. We all had to cancel because of black ice. I went into my back yard before breakfast to take a few pictures.

What ho! Spring!


Random Naturalist said...

Did you plant that slipper? Where'd you buy those white slippers?

Our Lady of Perpetual Headwinds said...

Years ago I bought far too many bulbs. This was one of those. When we bought the house in 1999 there were a few snowdrops already in the ground. One of them was an early February bloomer for years until a cold snap finally took it out. I order from Dutch Gardens because their catalogs showed up at our house addressed to the previous owners, who had planted a lot. My job is to keep what they had going.