Monday, August 25, 2008

Holy Belted Galloways, Batman!

25 August

Thanks to some on-the-spot iPhone internet sleuthing by a cousin-in-law at a family gathering yesterday, we now know that the Oreo cows outside of Sergeantsville are actually called Belted Galloway cattle. They're apparently prized possessions because they thrive in fields no other cattle could handle.

Insert your own New Jersey joke here.


Theskepticaloptimist said...

Are you sure? They look more like Dutch Belteds to me. Belted Galloways are more coarse and beefy.


Our Lady of Perpetual Headwinds said...

Y'know, I checked that. The Dutch ones are red and white.

I even found pictures on an American "Beltie" association page that showed less shaggy ones.

I'm very thorough, you see. ;)