Monday, December 31, 2012

Tell It to Strava

31 December 2012

Bike Commuting, Princeton University Campus, 11 October 2012
(The camera is too low, but any higher and it'd have been all sun glare.)

I have a confession to make:  For the past few years I've totaled my yearly distances on December 31.  This is the first time I've not discarded the number from the previous year; this is the first time I've compared distances between years.

"So what?" some of you might be asking.  "I do that every year.  I record each ride," some of you might add.  Well, I don't, because I deal with enough competition and insecurity in my day job that the last thing I need is more of it on the weekends. 

In true Hill Slug fashion, and aided by my lack of ability to remember numbers, I've already forgotten the second half of the digits in my yearly total.   Because I have three bikes and cycle computers that keep lifetime totals, it's a bit of work to figure out how far I've gone in a year.  This will keep me from bothering to do the math again until the end of 2013.

Meanwhile, for those keeping track, tell it to Strava (I'm not even gonna link to it), and let's just have fun out there. 


Dave said...

Citizens arrest! That was a roll through at the stop sign and I didn't hear you unclip. Happy New Year!

Our Lady of Perpetual Headwinds said...


It was a "South Philly slide."