Friday, June 7, 2019

Pilgrimage to Maine, Part Eight: Never the Same Harbor Twice

Frenchman Bay morning, 28 May 2019

28-31 May 2019

This post is a collection of odds and ends that don't fit into the other stories.

First thing every morning I look out the window and see what's going on in the harbor. Then I grab my camera and step out onto the deck.

Some mornings there are work crews on flat little boats puttering around the floats. They're putting floating docks in the water and pushing them around.

I can't zoom in enough to get a good look at what they have on the deck, but it sure looks like a porta-potty from here.

West Street faces Bar Island. I like taking pictures of the docks here. Again the light is dull, and what I really want to do is catch the colors on the budding trees on Bar Island.

From the lane that leads to our hotel we can look down to the harbor. The Margaret Todd should be moored down there at this hour. I wonder where she is.

In the evening I notice her anchored out in the bay. Maybe there aren't enough tourists around right now. Maybe it's still too cold.

The morning work crew is at it again. 

They've left a big dock in the water.

And a littler one, directly in front of our hotel room. There really should be birds on it. It's misty and foggy out again, though.

The next morning brings a small cruise ship and a thick cloud layer over the bay.

The Margaret Todd is still anchored out there.

But wait! There's a collection of gulls on the little dock. That's more like it.

There appears to be some activity over by the schooner.

She's on her way back around the corner to her berth in the harbor.

This is our last morning.

The fog clears while we're eating breakfast. I try to zoom in on the harbor side of Sheep Porcupine Island.

And then I take one last picture of Bald Porcupine from hour hotel room.

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