Friday, October 2, 2020

Strange Trip Part Ten: In Lieu of a Sunset, Balcony Spiders

Rampless Dock, Bar Harbor

15 September 2020

It's too cloudy for a sunset, but I take a short walk to the harbor to make sure I'm not missing anything.

There's a tide gaging station at the end of the harbor parking lot.

Because of the forecast high winds, the ramps to the tour boats and ferries have been taken away.

The gulls are pleased.


At the shore end of the schooner dock is an explanation:

I crunch along the Shore Path towards the hotel.

I'm looking for the stump of the tree that I'd watched online for years.

We get takeout from the Lompoc Cafe on a side street in the center of town.

On the balcony, the spiders bobble on their webs in the wind.

This one is up on the ceiling. I'm not even going to try to identify it. Maybe it's the same as the others, but in a different light.

I'll get up early for the sunrise again tomorrow.

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