Sunday, October 10, 2021

Three Sunrises

Sunrise over Bald Porcupine Island, Frenchman Bay

10 October 2021

Last month we paid stupid money to stay in a hotel room with a balcony that overlooked Frenchman Bay. Sunrise was around 6:15 on the clear mornings that I rolled out of bed at 5:50, bundled up, grabbed my camera, and stood on the balcony until the sun came up. 

Without my hearing aids, all was quiet save for the occasional gull, twittering songbird, or lobster boat leaving the harbor. With that in mind, here are three wordless sunrises.

I: September 19

Later in the morning:

II: September 20

Later in the morning, when the sun shined through the balcony's glass slats, throwing rainbows onto the deck:

III: September 21

As I was going back into the hotel room as quietly as possible, I caught the reflection of the sunrise against the door:

Later in the morning, a layer of low fog hung over the bay:

Through the fog, the sun cast a silver glare on the water:

As we were eating breakfast, the fog lifted:

"The Three Sunrises" is also a U2 song you should listen to.

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