Saturday, June 17, 2023

Maine 2023 Part 13: Rainy Day Sand Bar

Bar Island, Acadia National Park

17 June 2023

In the late afternoon, I got restless. There was a break in the rain. "I'm going to the sand bar. Wanna come with me?"

Jack made a face that said I was on my own.

I focused on the colors in the sand.

There was a little pool of water left by the receeding tide.

Looking northwest, I zoomed in on a large boat that, upon close inspection, turned out to be a whale-watching vessel.

I walked to the high water line on Bar Island. There, the misty light made a band of red seaweed stand out.

Across the water, behind Bar Harbor, loomed Cadillac Mountain, its top shrouded in fog.

Bald Porcupine Island was muted by the mist.

When there's a gull on a rock, you have to take a picture of it. It's the rule.

A flock of herring gulls circled above.

Two stands of scraggly trees are doing there best to grow near the edge of Bar Island's high tide line.

I turned east, toward the low water mark nearest the harbor. 

Along the way, I encountered this rock, which appeared to have a flipper.

I always look for my favorite rock at low tide. Mustache Rock sports a seaweed mustache under a prominent nose, a squinting eye, and a wry grin.

Behind Mustache Rock was another that I'd not noticed before. It, too, sported a spread of seaweed facial hair. It had not only a mustache, but also bushy eyebrows.

From the front, it was quite a display.

I walked back towards the gravel road entrance to the sand bar, looking back to Bar Island for a few more pictures.

From behind the tip of Bar Island, Sheep Porcupine's leaning tree was still hanging on, 

The mist turned into real rain. I headed back to the hotel.


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