Sunday, June 11, 2023

Maine 2023 Part 8: Bar Harbor Sunset

looks like a bit of weather moving in

11 June 2023

I must have flipped my camera to sunrise mode when I looked out onto the bay to see the Margaret Todd doing her evening sail.

The effect was excessively gloomy. 

The sky was hazy from the Halifax fire. There was a cold front moving in. I suggested we walk to the pier to catch whatever sunset we could before walking up the hill for dinner. 

As we neared the pier, the sun, still relatively high, slipped behind the bank of clouds. I missed the action by about a minute.


Still, though, if there are clouds, there's something to see.

Thanks, herring gull! You made this photo much better.

On any given day, one can check in on the sunset via the Bar Harbor Cam's west view. Like the real thing, though, there's no going back in time to see what you missed. 

I looked east for the moon and got some freehand shots.

Jack suggesgted we take the Shore Path instead of Main Street. On the way, we passed our hotel. I found the Bar Harbor Cam that captures the east view. The fading light made my zoom blurry.

Some folks had gone cairn-crazy at the waterline.

We walked back towards the pier after dinner so that we could get ice cream at a place that we'd never seemed to catch when they were open. This time we were in luck. We walked with our desserts over to Agamont Park. It occured to me that we were in the sight line of the Geddy's webcam, which switches to black and white at night for some reason. I opened the site on my phone and took a screenshot. That's us on the bench down at the bottom left. It was 10:12 p.m.  


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