Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hill Slugs Ad Hoc Saturday: Birthday Ride

16 May 2012

I and a bunch of my friends have birthdays in May, so I decided to have a party for all of them.

Saturday's ride will leave from my house at 9 a.m.  I'll have bagels, spreads, bananas, and coffee for everyone before the ride.

We'll do an easy 50 miles on mostly flat roads at an honest B pace.  Then we'll come back to my house for a cookout.     UPDATE: I've shortened the route to 43-ish miles so that we'll get back closer to noon.

Jim just dropped off a cooler full of meat.  I've already baked cookies.  Dale is bringing veggies.  Jack and I plan a big shopping trip tomorrow.

Our yard is halfway through a massive makeover.  The deck is being eaten by carpenter bees.  The house needs a bath and a fresh coat of paint.  But we can ignore all that and stuff our faces.  For directions to my house, contact me through gmail at perpetualheadwinds.  My phone number is in the ride book.

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