Sunday, March 13, 2016

Early Spring is Early

Red maple says, "Spring, for real this time."

13 March 2016

Spring started to happen a couple of weeks ago. The daffodils were the first ones to poke up from under the leaves I never rake away from the flower beds.

Next to the driveway, this little snowdrop is always the first one out.

Taking pictures of signs of life is something I do at the beginning of spring each year. I'm going to need these pictures, because I'm going to need something to use for the March Freewheel next year.

The Freewheel. The bloody Freewheel.

It has consumed my life, welded my tush to the chair in front of my computer, eaten away at hours, been nearly finished a dozen times, tweaked, aligned, expanded, shrunk, denuded of clip-art, removed of serifs. It awaits the one piece that will either complete it or kill me: the April ride list.

Meanwhile, we have moved our clocks forward and crocuses have bloomed.

Maples and forsythia, too, out in the flatlands.

Tom took a handful of us into the coastal plain yesterday, and today, after a late night out, 6 hours of sleep, and a lot more caffeine than usual, Larry dragged me out there again today.

I'm coming up for air after a couple more hours in front of the Freewheel. I'd write more, but my brain is empty.

I leave you with a daffodil,

and with the word "spork," because I decided on today's ride that "spork" doesn't get said enough.

I need a nap.


John A. said...

Spork those are pretty photos!

Sean said...

Do you favor the drilled-out, anodized titanium spork or the bamboo spork?

Our Lady of Perpetual Headwinds said...

Chromed steel, of course.